Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Diary - Day 83

A tad late entry into another year. Things have been amazing. Actually things have been happening at such dazzling pace that I have lost track of what's happening with the world and the governments in it.

People perpetuate worlds. I was at a beach in Mumbai last week and all I could see was people. Everywhere. And each invariably has a story to their face & existence. A story to a face makes a world. So many worlds in the World, co-existing amidst other worlds, brushing against one another; each stroke creating a ripple of intervention into the brushed-by world.

One such ripple of intervention has happened to my world. In fact, it has crossed into my world, and before it could pass by from another side, it just decided to stay in and see how this boring fucker lives a life from the insides. I could not help but welcome the ripple. A happy ripple.

Other things have been other things at themselves. Lot of travelling in the last one month and a lot in the pipeline. This weekend though, I promised it to myself to sit back and read; use the week to get back into the lost groove of physical exertion and feel a sense of what we call routine - but this time intervened by a pleasant ripple. 

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