Monday, May 21, 2012

Yes. I was there once.

No matter in how much interesting job you might land in, afternoons turn out to be boring & ridiculously gloomy. That is when I turn towards checking known people's activity to keep myself on wire, in the race. Not that being forgotten troubles me, but its just that natural curiosity I'd be struck with.

The version, a friend of mine has come up with on his blog defending his irrational desire to stay connected with his circles left me intrigued. And also probed me to throw some deep light into his version. 'Its scary to be forgotten'. No offense, but I don't really understand the fuss around it. Around staying connected. Upgrading handsets to stay 'available' round the clock. Giving in to the fear of being lost amid the clouds of anonymous souls spread densely all over the global village.

I was there once. Probably, a year ago. Feeling like lost everything if had lost a residing address in the virtual society. Its just that there will be a phase when some 'likes' from people would cheer you up, inquiries about your being would make you feel secured; wall posts make your day and stuff. Slowly, it gets worn away. It will.

I (you) start being increasingly individualistic. Alone-ness brings serenity. It incorporates peace. Gifts you with freedom. Relieves you from expectations. Nothing matches the feeling you get when you walk directionless, undetermined, undeterred by people's speculations, unpinned by their hopes. All alone. You for self. Not for the world.

I would not offend the saying 'man's a social animal' but man's the only animal which can maintain solitude is all what I'm trying to say.

And yes, that's also an individually varying aspect. I myself would feel totally okay (perhaps, better?) if I'd be forgotten. Seriously, it makes no difference. You won't be there any way to check if you still live in people's memories.

I really can't help but shrug off my shoulders if this leaves my friend with red-turned ears and nostrils due to infuriated blow-outs of exasperation in offense with this post of  mine but I really felt like opposing genuinely on this version of his. Peace out, man! Did not intend to hurt you.

God Bless.  

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