Monday, May 20, 2013

But Why?

How does one grow old? Holding that hand which has always been there? If yes, how careful must one be in choosing that hand? I've done a terrible mistake in choosing mine. I've gone for a completely materialistic, artificial and i - am - good - means - the -  world -  is - beautiful person. Change didn't peep in. There are few qualities in every human being which they bring along while they come only to take them away while they depart. Be them good or bad, any attempt to change always ends up in vain.

Self realization is the only mantra to being in a self borne change. But self realization requires ruthless self denial & periodic introspection. They come through education. Not my friend, degrees & merit certificates happen to be education. Education happens to be the manifestation of good and bad.

As long as parents stuff their car dash boards with money & visit every college to buy their ward a seat, education is going to be a mere commodity but not a substance.

Generations will never change but only inherit the diseased blasphemies from their fathers, only to take them forward to their kids. The world is going to be a bad place my friend, its going to remain as a bad place.

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