Thursday, March 14, 2013

He sang aloud about tomorrow

He got drunk twice yesterday. He woke up with a sore throat, terrible neck & a full stomach. The last night's beer is still safe and fresh in there.

Rather than letting his parents catch him drunk, he himself told them that he did & for the first time, he hardly was bothered about their reactions. Many things have been running on his mind & so he didn't want to take up the additional cautiousness of pretending sober.

His name is Ashish. He lives with his parents. He is 27, single and working. All he does in a day is he goes to office, tries working, comes back, eats and sleeps; only to wake up to repeat what he did the day before.

Yesterday was marked as an off for him. He spent the first half of the day in helping somebody & the second one in helping himself with few beers; which was long & extended till 11.00 in the night.

He somehow realized he's not being swift in his thoughts, nor words neither movements. The saddest habit he has acquired recently is talking to self. All he does while drinking is to ask the bar tender for a pen & he scribbles his monthly budget over a tissue paper. He runs through the written budget over and over just to feel reassured.

Last night was different though. He made an effort to retrospect & thought what really would make him smile and young again. He couldn't figure out a thing or two. He sighed and gulped down the last drops of beer. He came out slowly from the bar & started driving back home.

He was driving back into reality & it strangely gave him a hope. The hope for life; the hope for a better tomorrow. He now is more convinced that it can't get any worse. He just realized that he had hit the bottom & if there's any motion left in him, that should be only upwards.

He smiled to himself; increased the volume of the song which sang aloud about the hope for a shiny morning by a squeaky voice. He smiled, yet again because of the coincidence.

He slowly drove back home.

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