Thursday, October 4, 2012

Life: Cricket alike.

Now that somebody's flying down in few days (or months) & something really big is due to happen in much lesser time, fingers are crossed.

I am just trying to make it a habit to write daily. Remembering a friendly challenge that happened between my and my friend on one of those week days' mid day drinking episodes at club 8, I put down my 4th consecutive cricket book. Two more ordered & are probably on their to press my calling bell in another 2 days.

There's something remarkable about people. They way they were, the way they transform, & the way they become who they are. This metamorphosis happens in a great stadium called Life where all the acquaintances of a person will be seated to watch the action in live. That's so much Cricket alike. Its so collectively endearing & individually discrete at the same time.

In the meanwhile, there is art to entertain spectators during recesses amidst performances. The art is something that makes the whole play tolerable for people who cannot stand the pandemonium involved in live action in the stadium.

The performances happen continuously, merely the performers change. Game's always played; with periodic (sometimes not) change in teams, individuals.

Art plays a cheer girl; that person becomes the batsman & situations constitute the fielding side. Each one bowling at one time (in cricket its one bowler at a time, but its not the case with life even. Life can be ruthless at times, you see). Its all in the hands of the batsman to make the spectators clap or curse. But something's so certain. He lets the spectators have a wholesome entertainment all through the while he's out there in the middle (all his life) before he departs (to his death bed).

Life's so much like Cricket. And yeah, its a batsman's game unfortunately! 

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