Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sex and stuff ! !

Do u ever think of something happening unconsciously with you.Happened to you but neva thought about it .Right.Its about sex and stuff this time.Ever experienced thing.Wait.Lemme tell ye guys.You are in a social place.A herd of opposite sex is standing and chattering among themselves.As a lightening,some one of them,u get struck.You dont know why?If u r a man after all,they are women afterall.You find urself searching for that person ,the whole event.Eventually.u find something interesting.Thats,even he/she starts looking at you.Not exactly.But exchanging looks shyly.
Hve u ever thought this one?Out of 10 people,why only she/he?Any special reason?Any unavoidable circumstance?
To admit honestly,I never believe in course of true love.even though ,you feel great about ur lover's character lately,the first time you have seen him/her,u get attracted only by looks and alll.Not in all cases.may be 90%.I hopefully guess,Its all aboutphysical thing basically.
And Sex.Its a sin.What you have read is right.Its a sin in this country of obstinate orthodoxicism.What do you say,if lovers involve in it,Nature's act and if a whore,its a business.Its all about the way you take it.I stress.Its perspective again.
What makes you feel attracted towards your opposite sex and feel seduced by 'em?Why are u in desperate need of an embrace? Lust.Finally,I opened up.I wrote to the core.Never mind,who gonna read this and who cares if they think what the hell this paranoia affected guy is speaking about?
Come on.Its fact after all.Every one knows it and nobody wanna talk about it.An open secret. Rofl..........'A secret is too hot to keep' of my glorious bastards said this a feww hours ago.Kya bey saley? Pad raha ho na?



  1. as i read this, i feel you sitting infront of me, smoking me and telling me all this. i was right. that previous post was a snapshot was what was bout to be unleashed. brilliant work deeksh! and i love the term "obstinate orthodoxism"..very true and and pretty daring of you!..and who is that inglorious bastard?

  2. bawa....its u who is one of my glorious bastards only for them who I live ......antha moseyaku bey....its just an ordinary piece only!

  3. it is..but its bluntly honest..and yea now i remember saying how heavy a secret is..

  4. Hmm nice one deekshith..!
    But Sex isn't sin..
    We love to have sex.. n when we are in love we enjoy sex...!
    I personally enjoy sex for money than sex for free...!

    Here money may not be exactly money.. the hard work of mine to trap a girl or hard work in earning money and buying a girl..

  5. i don't know if it was intentional, but 'trap'? it ain't cool mate
