Monday, April 28, 2014

Garden State blew in some hope.

On the last Sunday which turned out to be a homely Sunday, Garden State happened. I watched it for an umpteenth time and I fell in love with it, yet again. It dabs the sensibilities of life while it invents its own language, flavour and landscape. Going back to the titles of the movie felt like I was home. However, I felt few lines really needed to be up here on my blog. I have never been a cinephile and so is why, immortal lines from immortal movies never made their way to my blog. Garden State however stands out as an exception.


But you know what? That’s all ego. None of that really matters. If I get to be with you right here and our beautiful baby, that’s all I need. - Albert

This necklace reminds me of a really random memory of my mother. I was a little kid, and I was crying for one reason or another. She was just like, you know, cradling me and rocking me back and forth. And I can remember seeing the little balls on this thing floating back and forth. And there was snot dripping down my nose. And she gave me her sleeve, and she told me to blow my nose into it. And I remember thinking even as a little kid, like…this is love. This is love. - Andrew

When I’m with you, I feel so safe. Like I’m home. - Andrew

I’m really messed up right now, and I’ve got a whole lot of stuff I gotta work out, but I don’t want to waste anymore of my life without you in it. -  Andrew 


  1. I lost your number and have been wondering how to contact you !

  2. drop in your email address and I will post back my number.
