Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The joy within.

It is a normal day of a typical pre-summer month. Krushik is toiling hard enough to cope up with the sweat induced out of his seat & trying to come up with an article to meet today's deadline.

He then sniffed the comforting odour of first rain of the year. Odour of the mud which is ready to take its first bath. Within minutes, climate changed as if it never knew what & how a subcontinental summer is like. He turned around in his chair to stare through the window. He noticed the invariable habitat getting ready to embrace the first drops of the season. For some strange reason, his eyes brimmed a hope that he's about to witness something magical. He smiled at his own exhilaration about little niceties.

In no time, it started to drizzle which tool nearly 20 minutes to let some one call it a 'heavy pouring'. Krushik's heart is overwhelming & there's a huge gush of happiness in his heart which is being restricted by a barrier called 'work place's composure'. His heart is somersaulting with joy. For no reason to you and me, for some reason to him.

It may look amusing to some of us by the way Krushik is letting himself getting connected to the changes in the nature. We generally rule them off by quoting normalcy. However, he seems to be in no mood of being bothered that we are not bothered by his reason of being joyful. But we're actually frowning our foreheads a little.

He discovered the hidden child in him. The unbridled joy that follows a conscious process of unlearning has wrapped him in its arms now.

He must have arrived at a conclusion that life is a comic play with subtle niceties, here & there, now & then, visiting us. Only to unveil the truer us & immerse ourselves in the purest joy of living such moments is all we can actually do.

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