Monday, February 25, 2013

Life; as it was once dreamt.

5 years. 5 whole years to tread the path in the way I wanted to. Fair enough. It could've taken longer but I didn't let things go out of control.

Its sometimes good to pause your pursuit of happiness and be happy for what you have. - A french proverb. True.

I am presently living the aftermath of debacles but I guess I am faring well; except few haunting memories of the past. Right, I distract myself from the reverie and pull myself back to this.

I have been watching some extraordinary cinema lately; all thanks to that good ol' friend who came back into my life upon my deliberation. 

I was appalled by the way my brother finally has fallen into the mainstream pit & he certainly is out of that 'wannabe' shit I believe. He just declared what his idea of life is & i was pleasantly surprised.

Thanks to that catastrophe. It got me real close to my family. I am also glad that my parents are finally comprehending my irresistible urge I have had to cut loose the ties with everything that just didn't seem 'me'.

I miss her terribly when I am out of work & so I work till i exhaust. I keep working all day to go back home to strike off one more milestone on the movie marathon. Fair enough.

Secluded with fair amount of distance from people, I have been having that much needed time and space which I had been craving till a month ago.

I promise this'd be the last post on personal happenings. I am sure I would come up with my take on worldly affairs from the next one.

Till then, watch Amal. Mr. N Shah delivered in those 10 minutes he was offered.

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