Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Times of Vacuum & the Bright Spot

Okay now. After being through a rough day filled with shocking updates, revealed secrets through unexpected sources & rather bigger disappointments, few astonishing admissions & so on, I settle down to write this. I recall what Layton pointed out, me being a highly introspective creature & this amounts of insight into myself would not do much good other than killing few more hours of life.

Its been eons I tasted success & I believe its only few months away from now. At least, till this morning I woke up, I thought its pretty okay thingy to go through another 2 months of hardship & bitter times to find myself landing in sunny bright, green meadows for the rest of my time.

Then came that another damaging blow from one of my blood relatives for which I hold no prominence but I am too worried about the response of the 2 people who brought me on to this planet. They are too conservative, orthodox & to-the-heart people. Neither can I blame them too. That is the problem with their times. With their generation & its close ended approach.

Few anti social addictions I had & I am now attested with 'I-am-fit-for-nothing productive to be accomplished' tagline and stamp on my face. I just feel amused by the impact of the surrounded people. With too narrow hearts to acknowledge & digest the well being of a person. I won't care less but my immediate ancestors? They live for the consent, approval of this society.

Amid all these bothering issues, I managed to gift myself with a Bright Spot. Its Her again. Much did I already told about her on this platform & my people close people already know her. She made peace with the fact that I am too naive to fit among these people & the way she accepted me for what I was & what I am was just mesmerizing. She comfortably swept me across my feet & compelled me to fall in love with her again.

My settling down in some respective profession with a handsome & promising pay package has been a very worrying aspect for my people back home which elevated them from their normal state of being to such heights so that they forgot backing me up, in fact started losing their nerve & started taking me for granted. But She has been holding her nerve, insisting me to come back on to the path of glory like I have never come till date.

I wonder some day life would be a fairy tale, I become complacent to do anything after all the adventurous rides I could have had, I would lay back, point out at her being the sole reason for me having led a sensible life.

She, again shined like a bright spot, amid the hollow, bottomless tub of void & vacuum called my Life & I love her for that.


1 comment:

  1. there is always a silver lining in the clouds. glad you found yours. :)
