Saturday, April 11, 2009

show off

I've been preparing 2 write this blog since 3 dayz..I just got 2 find myself the title for this post as "show of" today morning..But even now,I m not sure whether I will b able 2 complete this post..As I was just putting this on the paper,analysis of strengths n weaknesses of a 'star' politician was going on.I wondered,whats up with this news channels.Leave it,coming 2 the the topic,I m writing this bcoz these dayz,I found some sort of typical guy at one of our regular hangout places.Generally,after attending my guitar class,I go 2 a place in Osmania University.These days,I am observing that guy over seems that he's been regular 2 that place these dayz!One day,he comes ina luxury car from 'skoda',another day in 'swift' and one more day in 'mitsubishi'....On the last weekend,it happened 2 me to meet that folk while I was sipping my coffee and he was having his 'smoke'..Appeared as if a 'son' of a pilotical leader...possessing a latest 3G mobile.After meeting that guy,I came 2 know from him that,he comes all the wayfrm very far place just 2 have two pieces of nicotene.Ridiculous.After having few more chats with him,I came 2 know by myself that he'sa guy who comes all the way just to "show off " his possessions.I just went aside,and laughed to the core.I was just wondering why this guy is causing such a damage 2 environment just 2 expose.And today,I was having my coffee sitting on my basic "alto" and again that guy.He was sitting xactly opposite 2 me on his "SUV-luxury" car and was giong on with his usual action.Nicotene fixation.We got our looks exchanged.Smiles blossomed.I had clealr spotted out 'pride' in his eyes.He was proudly looking at his "PAJERO".He started dialling some numbers 2 find himself engaged or what optimists say "gettting connected with people".I sighed at him,bid a good bye,and started my car.I cannot desctibe him much more than that.Please do it with your comments
thats it 4 today guys!!

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