The sea's surface was full on opportunists & its bed full of whales;
The endless search for an angelic mermaid never ceased,
although futility mocked with every stroke of fins;
it's the hope the finned him through the waters.
It occurred to him, indeed invariably, that hope is what that differentiates the living from the lifeless
Meddling with such hope with occasional concussions seemed to be the task of Destiny.
For the whales appeared better in gulping down the hope in one go;
Opportunists were too crooked to be whale enough.
Never did any such angelic mermaid appear in a whiz.
Fins were aging with each kick unto them.
His pace dropped by few nautical miles an hour,
until he came to a float-still from where the drowning had begun.
The endless search for an angelic mermaid never ceased,
although futility mocked with every stroke of fins;
it's the hope the finned him through the waters.
It occurred to him, indeed invariably, that hope is what that differentiates the living from the lifeless
Meddling with such hope with occasional concussions seemed to be the task of Destiny.
For the whales appeared better in gulping down the hope in one go;
Opportunists were too crooked to be whale enough.
Never did any such angelic mermaid appear in a whiz.
Fins were aging with each kick unto them.
His pace dropped by few nautical miles an hour,
until he came to a float-still from where the drowning had begun.