Sunday, March 28, 2010

Semi urban punk

Notice this guy.He's with the lean look of Depp over his sleeves.Walking as reckless as no one can.Staring at the distant skies.He smokes classic milds even though he is disliking it of late,because that stick bears 'classic' in its name.He's the answer to many of my unresolved questions.The unquestionable confidence and fire,he possess in his belly,makes him stand as a 'class apart'.Yes.I mean it.He's a 'class apart'.He's my new preacher.Of course,I know ,thats a very big word 'preacher'.It suits him.He's cleverly disguised as an 'as usual irresponsible care free young lad'by his looks and gait.No.He is not.He possess very rarely visible amount of self esteem and confidence.This is all one side oh him.Other comes down.

He dopes and listens to heavy metal heavily.He knows what makes a waiter in a coffee bar to salute you but he always like to have a hand made coffee.He traveled a lot in aeroplanes but loves to roam on his 100 cc two wheeler.A cup of chai,a nicotine stick and tonnes of urge to make a dent on this planet.Yes,one can describe him in that single phrase.

He likes 'pulp fiction'.He adores 'Clint Eastwood'.He listens to 'Black sabbath'.He hates show.Its always fun time with him.His arrogance reminds me of 'Paul Newman' in 'Cool hand luke',who is no more between us,if alive,would have felt proud to see a likely arrogant cinema buff like him.That arrogance has a spark.As if he knows something thats gonna happen.Still....arrogant.Inexplicable replica of 'Cool hand luke'.Thats him. Semi urban punk.
Kaushik,his name is.