Sunday, May 13, 2012

That's William Thacker in store for you.

Why am I being so unhappy & dissatisfied in my relationship from the past few days? I dedicated one whole day for introspection & came out with intriguing observations and interesting solutions all across to saw down my problem right from its roots.

The problem is Prominence, basically. A little too much prominence attached to the opposite person. Hon, don't get offended but let me tell you something. I need to love me first to love you more. That's what I haven't been doing for a while. I have been trying to search for everything in her. That's one surmountable task her too, to fetch me with everything I seek. Aftermath of this has been in the forms of crave for her attention, unexpected outburst of anguish on her, unknown mulling on almost everything, rejection of the self & so on. Distance played its part too. What not? Everything contributed to add fuel to my throwing flakes of melancholy.

One saturday. Brought in showers of wisdom. And I readily got drenched with longstanding thirst to be contented once again. And my bright spot has been found amidst piercing droplets of wisdom. He's William Thacker. There are several instances where I addressed Notting Hill as well as William Thacker. This character redefined something called Love for me.

What on earth takes a man to say 'alright, okay' when he comes to know that his room mate screwed his love in the most ridiculous way possible with his stupid curiosity? Its just keeping it in; low; grounded.

William Thacker loved Ana Scott. The best part with him is he did not expect the same from her. He was thoroughly conscious that he had a life to lead. Coming to know that the love of his life dismissed his identity exclaiming that she was feeling awkward because of his unexpected presence, all he does is, gets up, smiles, hands over the headphones to the cameraman over there and leaves. So simple, ain't it?

And the next day, Ana Scott appears at his shop asking him to love her, he delivers a classic yet again. He just says 'I am not ready for another heart break'. The way he turns down her proposal says it all; without really saying anything. Just love someone, don't ever expect it in return. I know it's difficult. More importantly, love thyself first. Have time for yourself. Talk to self. Nothing does more good than a well timed solitude. Over expectations can really hinder a bond. I now have an example in my hand of a very close friend of mine, who changed a lot for a guy, being unaware of what she was going through. Eventually, she realized that, for which I am glad.

Its a gift to have some one whom you love & the same who loves you back without flinching. That does not mean everybody is ill-fated. Celebrate love. Be a Thacker. remain sensible & loving. Love her as much as you can & if she leaves, smile and have a Spike for yourself. He really conjures cheap tricks to make you smile.

God bless.

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