Thursday, April 19, 2012

Cool Quotient

Its quite ironic to get dragged into the vicious cycle again and again. However hard I try to run away from all the socializing stuff, one scratchy patch of it gets glued to me & it emerges victorious in pulling me back centripetally into the circle. One more instance stands as an example for this again. During one of those jobless Scroll-downs on facebook just to know what shit's been happening around with acquaintances, it happened to come across this. Its actually something like this 'If you are cool and you know it, you probably are just shit and you don't know it.' That appeals somewhat true to me. I never understood the concept of being cool. Ignorantly, during those adolescent phases, I might have tried being cool.But one has to accept that being ignorant ain't a crime. But once I grew wise (at least I think), I fortunately stumbled on a conclusion which has been helping me over years. That is 'Cool is uncool' & more importantly, vice-versa does not hold true, as a matter of fact.

I have a bad set of cousins who succeeded in life on their self-determined parameters & now lead a 'settled' life. I remember someone from that herd questioning me, 'How's everything going? Cool?' for which I answered being smilingly courteous 'Yeah. Everything's alright.' I am totally aware that the cool quotient I have been talking about from the beginning of the post and the 'cool?' he asked me are distinctly different. But what tickles me is the word Cool. What is being Cool? What is it about being cool? How does it appeal to people? To that point, how does that appeal to one's self?

I came to know from Sandeep that Ashok was talking about people who are very happy doing all the stuff they want to, talking all the crap they like to & more prominently, they are being happy. Is that what that counts in the end?

For my parents, watching their son tucking a software organization's ID card under his belt is cool.For a typical guy, being flamboyant, going out with girls, partying can be cool. Carrying a gadget from some named-after-a-fruit company can be cool.

In the whole process of attempting to establish their identity in front of peers, the basic questioning process is being forced to take the back seat.

I have no idea about what that probed me to write about this & that is why this piece appears to be lacking a conclusion. It apparently does. But the conclusion lies in every brain that consistently tries to be cool.

Questions & their answers. These are what it is all about.

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